
About Glenn Dynamics

GlennDynamics is the name of my fictional shell corporation. Theoretically, we are industry leaders in advanced additive manufacturing technology. In reality, I'm just a girl with a 3D printer who sometimes makes things for other people, and wanted to seem ~professional~ lol.

In reality, I'm anything but professional

The name GlennDynamics comes from my late cat, Glenn. He was a visionary, a true leader in his field. I owe so much of my business prowess to him. 

GlennDynamics is not a real corporation. We here at Glenn Dynamics do not believe in capitalism, corporatism, or exploitation of humans, animals, or the environment in any way, shape, or form. Furthermore, GlennDynamics has no profit motive. We are simply in it for the thrill of the build, ya know? I know. You'll never see an advert on any GlennDynamics page, because advertising is literally the worst.